Motorcycle accidents can leave victims with a wide range of injuries The attorneys at Glaser & Ebbs have been fighting for injured motorcyclists for more than three decades. We know how vulnerable they are out on the road. We know what can happen when negligent drivers cause a motorcycle accident because they were speeding, texting,...
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Distracted Driving Can Lead to Serious & Fatal Car Accidents in Indiana
Indiana drivers reminded to stay focused and stay alert to avoid causing a crash Indiana continues to face a serious issue with distracted driving accidents, as indicated by the latest car accident data compiled by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. To promote safety on the roads, the Institute has urged drivers to prioritize their attention...
Read MoreCompensation for Injuries Caused by Broken Glass in Car Accidents
The impact of a car accident can cause a wide range of injuries; one of the most common and dangerous is broken glass injuries. Upon impact, windows, mirrors, and windshields can shatter. With shards of glass on the floor and propelling through the air, those inside and around the car are in harm's way. Depending...
Read MoreHow To Report A Car Accident In Indiana
Learn how the process works and how a car accident attorney can help if you've been injured. If you have been involved in a serious car accident in Indiana with another vehicle, you are required by law to report the crash in most cases. This might sound simple. But it’s important that drivers know how...
Read MoreHow To Obtain Traffic Camera Video of Your Indiana Car Accident
Traffic camera footage can be used as evidence in support of your car accident claim. Video evidence can be a powerful tool to prove that another driver was at fault in a car accident, particularly if other forms of evidence, such as eyewitness testimony, are unavailable. In addition, if traffic camera footage of your car...
Read MoreDrowsy Driving: The Dangers, Facts, and Safety Tips You Need To Know
Indiana car accident lawyers discuss the dangers of drowsy driving and ways to prevent it from happening. Drowsy driving is dangerous and increases the risk of a serious or fatal car accident, even without the tired driver completely falling asleep at the wheel. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived drivers can be just as dangerous as...
Read MoreIndiana State Police Urge Parents To Talk To Teens About Safe Driving
Fort Wayne, Indiana, car accident lawyers explain what parents and teen drivers should know. With the holiday season right around the corner, now's a good time for parents to talk to teens about how to stay safe on the road and avoid causing a car accident, according to the Indiana State Police. "Don't assume things,...
Read MoreTop 5 Traffic Violations That Cause Indiana Car Accidents
Everyone needs to follow the rules of the road to prevent crashes, but far too many drivers don't. Traffic violations often result in serious car accidents in Indiana. This is why drivers who break the law and cause car accidents need to be held accountable for their actions. But which violations often result in collisions?...
Read MoreWhat To Do After A Car Accident That’s Not Your Fault
Indiana car accident lawyer explains what steps to take If you have been involved in a car accident caused by another driver in Indiana, knowing what to do next can be confusing. But it’s important to understand that the steps you take after your accident can often a make big difference in the outcome of...
Read MoreCompensation for Neck & Back Pain After a Car Accident
It's common to have neck and back pain after a car crash. Even at a slow speed, a car accident can cause severe injuries with long-term side effects like whiplash and nerve damage. That's because your neck and spine are fragile, and your back muscles can be torn, strained, or stretched. If you hurt your...
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