Personal Injury Lawyer
Fort Wayne·Indianapolis, Indiana

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Fort Wayne(260) 424-0954
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How Safe of a Driver Are You?

A reckless driver looking down at his phone and texting instead of paying attention to the road ahead.

AAA report reveals over half of all motorists engage in dangerous driving behaviors.

A new report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the Traffic Safety Culture Index survey, categorizes motorists into six types of drivers. Unfortunately, only 4 in 10 surveyed fell into the "safe drivers" group.

Based on self-reported risky driving behaviors, the new Traffic Safety Culture Index (TSCI) report uncovered some alarming revelations about car accidents and driving behaviors. For example, fewer drivers think speeding is dangerous. Right now, speeding has the lowest perceived social disapproval of all the examined unsafe driving behaviors, according to AAA. The truth, however, is that speeding is very dangerous. It increases the risk of accidents as well as the severity of injuries in the event of a collision. Speeding can easily elevate what would have been a serious accident into a fatal crash.

In Indiana, speeding was a factor in 27 percent of all fatal motor vehicle accidents in 2021, according to federal data. Counties that experienced the most speed-related fatal accidents included Allen, Lake, and Marion, which had a combined 76 fatal speeding accidents that year. Meanwhile, counties with the highest fatal speeding accident rates included Clinton, Scott, and Starke.

"Despite acknowledging the dangers, some drivers continue to engage in potentially deadly behaviors, particularly speeding," said Dr. David Yang, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety President. "Understanding the different types of risky driving behaviors and the characteristics of drivers who engage in them is crucial for developing targeted interventions to achieve safe mobility."

There are 6 types of drivers in the US

The survey asked drivers about their perceived level of danger for various driving behaviors. The majority of drivers surveyed by AAA said unsafe driving behaviors are "very" or "extremely" dangerous, and yet, many admitted to making bad choices behind the wheel at least once in the past 30 days.

Patterns in the survey responses led AAA to divide motorists into six types of driver profiles as well as gauge how many motorists are in each group. Which one are you?

  1. Safe drivers - 41.2 percent. Although "safe drivers" is the driver profile that fits most motorists, it is disappointing that the majority of drivers aren't in this category. Drivers in this group rarely reported engaging in bad driving behavior.
  2. Speeding drivers - 22.7 percent. These motorists reported driving at 10 mph or more over the speed limit on residential streets and 15 mph or more over the speed limit on freeways. However, they rarely engaged in other types of bad driving behaviors. It is worth noting, however, that speeding typically fails to reduce travel time. AAA says it would take driving 100 miles at 80 mph instead of 75 mph to shave just 5 minutes off a trip.
  3. Distracted and aggressive drivers - 17.3 percent. Drivers in this group admitted to behaviors like texting while driving, speeding, road rage, red-light running, and/or switching lanes quickly, among similar types of dangerous driving.
  4. Distracted drivers - 15 percent. These drivers reported unfocused driving, such as texting and driving, eating, grooming, or frequently changing music while operating cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
  5. Most dangerous drivers - 2.4 percent. Although a small percentage of drivers, these motorists pose the greatest risk to others because they report engaging in all types of risky driving behaviors.
  6. Impaired drivers - 1.3 percent. People who reported driving drunk, high, or otherwise impaired were most likely to live in non-metropolitan areas.

Injured by a dangerous driver? Put 100 years of trial law experience to work for you

Car accidents that involve speeding and other forms of negligent driving often turn out to be complicated legal cases. The at-fault driver and their insurer may deny liability despite their recklessness. Some even go after the victim for damages. If you were injured in an accident, make sure you have a lawyer on your side who knows what to do and who will vigorously stand up for your rights.

Our team of trial lawyers at Glaser & Ebbs has decades of experience dealing with serious car accidents that involve negligence in Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, and throughout Indiana. We fight to win. If you were injured in an Indiana car accident, contact us for a free case evaluation. At no cost to you, we can answer your questions, explain your potential legal options, and help you decide the best next steps.

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Fort Wayne, IN 46802
(260) 424-0954


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Indianapolis, IN 46225
(317) 636-5211


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Decatur, IN 46733
(260) 728-9997


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Warsaw, IN 46580
(574) 269-3634


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Kendallville, IN 46755
(260) 242-5253

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