Moped or Scooter Accident Lawyer
We can investigate your crash and handle your injury claim
Accidents involving mopeds or scooters struck by another vehicle can be complicated legal cases. Because the injuries sustained in such accidents are often very severe, there’s often a lot of money at stake for such injury claims.
If you or a loved one has been hurt in a moped or scooter accident in Indiana, we can help. Our experienced lawyers at Glaser & Ebbs know how to handle challenging cases. We have more than 100 years of combined legal experience handling motorcycle accidents and many other types of motorized vehicle accidents.
When you have our legal team on your side, you can take an aggressive approach right from the start. We know how the find the evidence you need to build the strongest possible legal case. When insurance companies play hard ball, we don’t back down. We fight back.
What are common causes of moped accidents?
Accidents caused by other vehicles involving mopeds or scooters often occur because the at-fault driver was doing something they should not have been doing on the road. In many cases, drivers were behaving in a reckless or negligent manner. Specific examples include:
- Drivers who don’t share the road with mopeds or scooters
- Distracted drivers (especially texting drivers) who veer off the road and hit a scooter or moped
- Speeding drivers who don’t leave enough space between their car and a moped to stop safely and avoid a collision
- Drunk drivers who lose control of their car and crash into a scooter or moped
- Tired drivers who fall asleep at the wheel
Whatever the cause of your scooter or moped accident, don’t simply assume the insurance companies will take care of everything. Make sure you take your accident seriously right from the start. Make sure you talk to a lawyer who knows how to handle complex cases in Indiana.
Who’s responsible for compensating me?
Indiana has a fault-based insurance system when it comes to compensating people injured in motor vehicle accidents. That means the at-fault party’s insurance company is often responsible for paying for all accident-related expenses for every injury victim. In the case of a moped or scooter accident caused by another driver, the at-fault party often includes:
- The driver who caused the crash
- The at-fault driver’s insurance company
In addition, in certain circumstances, you may also be able to take legal action against other at-fault parties. These parties may include the company that made the moped or scooter, especially if a defective part contributed to your accident. You may also be able to take legal action against a bar, restaurant or package store that sold alcohol to the driver who caused your crash if the driver was intoxicated at the time of the accident.
Many legal options often exist in such cases. That’s why it’s important to learn more about them by talking with an experienced lawyer in your area.
How do I know if I have a legal case?
The best way to know if you have a legal case involving your moped or scooter accident is to hire a lawyer to investigate your crash. When you have an experienced attorney working for you, your lawyer can explore all the legal options available to you.
This is especially important in cases involving mopeds or scooters since the driver’s insurance company will likely do everything it can to discredit or dismiss your claim. One of the ways they try to do this is by claiming you somehow behaved in a reckless or negligent manner. Insurance companies do this since many moped or scooter injury claims can add up to a lot of money.
Insurance company scare tactics don’t intimidate us. We know how to take on insurance companies and find the facts you need to build a strong legal case against the at-fault driver. Many insurance companies agree to negotiate a settlement with us. If not, we will not hesitate to file a lawsuit on your behalf.
Demand justice after your accident. Contact our law firm.
You have enough to worry about after your accident. Simply focus on getting the medical care you need to get better. We can handle all the paperwork and red tape often associated with many moped or scooter accidents.
Don’t delay. Call today. Contact our law firm and schedule a free consultation with a lawyer after your scooter or moped accident. We can meet with you in our Fort Wayne or Indianapolis office or one of our other convenient locations statewide.