Decatur Personal Injury Lawyer
We put your best interests first. We can file a claim or take legal action for you
Personal injury accidents in Decatur can happen fast but the consequences can often last for many weeks, months or sometimes for the rest of your life. In an instant, you or a loved one can sustain a serious injury that can prevent you from being able to work or perform other routine tasks due a temporary or permanent disability.
When this happens, it’s critical that you take strong legal action right away to protect your rights. Otherwise, you might not get the money you rightfully deserve for medical care, lost income and other accident-related expenses. That’s why our Decatur lawyers at Glaser & Ebbs want to meet with you right away.
We know how to tackle tough personal injury cases. That’s because our talented team of trial lawyers has more than 100 years of combined legal experience handling legal cases in Adams County and throughout Indiana. When you have our law firm on your side, you can take a stand and demand compensation you deserve. We won’t waste a second once you hire us to investigate your injury. We understand the urgency of many legal matters and work hard to produce positive results. You can count on us.
Why do personal injury accidents happen in Decatur?
A personal injury normally involves a certain type of accident in which an injury occurs due to someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior. Some of the reasons why personal injury accidents happen include:
- Poor maintenance (bad lighting, loose handrails, hazardous sidewalks) especially in cases involving premises liability accidents, a legal term for accidents that happen on someone else’s property
- Water left on the floor or other hazardous conditions, especially in cases involving slip and fall accidents in restaurants, retail stores and hotels
- Dangerous dogs not fenced in or properly secured, resulting in a dog bite or animal attack
- Swimming pools left unlocked or unattended, resulting in a drowning accident
These are just a few examples of why personal injury accidents often happen. There are many other reasons why. In each case, it’s critical that injury victims seek immediate medical care, whether it’s at the emergency room in Adams Memorial Hospital or another, nearby medical facility. Then, make sure you talk to a lawyer right away to learn more about your legal options.
What legal options are available?
Depending on the severity of your injury and many other factors, you may have several different legal options available to you, including:
- Accept a settlement offer from the at-fault party or their insurance company
- Negotiate a better settlement offer with the at-fault party or their insurance company
- Reject a settlement offer if you believe it does not fully cover all your accident expenses
- File a personal injury lawsuit in Adams County Circuit Court or whichever court has jurisdiction over your case
Knowing what to do after an injury accident can be confusing. It’s also important to realize that you often can only receive financial compensation one time for all current and future expenses related to your injury claim. That’s why it’s critical that you receive enough money to cover all your injury-related expenses. Otherwise, you might end up having to pay for medical care or other bills out of your own pocket.
How can a lawyer help me?
There are many ways an attorney can assist if you or a loved one have been injured in an accident caused by someone else’s actions. In general, your lawyer can be your voice for justice and make sure your case receives the attention it rightfully deserves. Some of the ways your attorney can help include:
- Conduct an independent investigation of your personal injury accident, including:
- Review any relevant accident reports.
- Obtain inspection records for the property where your accident took place.
- Analyze security camera footage if available.
- Track down witnesses who saw what happened if possible.
- Conduct an independent investigation of your personal injury accident, including:
- Consult with accident reconstruction experts.
- Deal directly with the at-fault property owner on your behalf.
- Negotiate a settlement offer with the at-fault party’s insurance company on your behalf.
- File a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf if necessary.
The stakes are high when it comes to many injury claims. Your case can easily be worth thousands of dollars or significantly more. Insurance companies know this. That’s why they often do everything they can to avoid paying you the money you deserve. It’s your lawyer’s job to fight for the financial compensation you need and deserve to pay for your accident-related expenses, now and in the future.
Take legal action now. Contact our law firm.
We take our job very seriously at Glaser & Ebbs, Attorneys at Law. When you hire us, we won’t waste a second getting to work on your injury claim. Insurance companies don’t intimidate us. We know how to take them on and win tough legal cases.
Get the law firm that gets results in Decatur. Contact us and schedule a free consultation to discuss your personal injury case with a lawyer in our Decatur office. We don’t back down in the face of adversity. We rise to the challenge and stand up for the rights of injured people.